A heads up for a future gig -
Pete Morton will be playing in the autumn on Friday 22nd November at
The Organ Grinder, Woodgate, Loughborough. A new venue? Not exactly... more a return to an old venue under a new name. Early in his career Pete played many gigs upstairs at the folk club of the Old Pack Horse pub and continued to do so down the years. Unfortunately the pub deteriorated badly, locked in a downward spiral until it finally collapsed and died. Enter
Blue Monkey Brewery in 2012 who did a superb job on renovating this venerable old boozer and taking it back to - and beyond even - its former glories under a new name: The Organ Grinder. Please note: a folk club started up again recently for informal sessions once a month, second Friday. Pete's gig, however, is under the Tapped But Settling banner of Mr Frank Marmion as a concert booking with support tba....